Artist statement
For me, painting is an universal language that I can talk with anybody. I am a mother of a little kids and a Japanese teacher. Talking with visual language is such a powerful way to show how I see and think about things. For my works, finding a mundane moment and working with motifs that are close to me is important. In my painting process, I want to catch a beauty of moments such as daylight shift or atmosphere, find interesting relationships between each motifs and combine those elements into paintings rather than just paint as they are. So that way people would see true moment in terms of colors and feelings from my paintings.
2020 Foundation Program at Washington Studio School
2012 BA Policy Management Keio university
Group Exhibitions
2023 See some scene, Gallery IRO, Kichijoji, Tokyo
2023 Art in Bloom, Martha Spak Gallery, Washington DC, United States
2023 IAM, Gallery Conceal, Tokyo, Japan
2022 Summer exhibitions Hampstead Arts Society, Fitzsrovia Gallery, London, United Kingdom